Friday, December 20, 2002

I just measured my blood pressure. 123 over 80 with a pulse of 71. I am the freakin' model of good health. On a completely unrelated matter, I just got back from Denny's where I consumed cake and ice cream. I also had Arby's for lunch. For all the guff Arby's gets over the food being supposedly disgusting and sub-par, none of which I understand, they have the most amazing chicken at any fast food place. And Tommie's sucks, but Tommy's rocks. One serving of chili cheese fries is one of the best full meals you can buy. The chili also helps with the lower plumbing. MMMMmmmmm... Loooowwwwwerrrr plummmmbbbbing....

Monday, December 16, 2002

So SDL had it's fisrt show in like 4 months last night. Cobalt. Some sort of Battle of the Bands. Don't know yet whether we are advancing to the finals or not. We had an apple eating contest during "Benzoate" and I almost choked on an apple. The "Watermelon Song" turned into the "Papaya Song". Go here to see what Cobaltians think of us. Can you pick out which of these are pseudonyms? Mine should be pretty odvious. My hands are cold. No more typing.

Monday, December 09, 2002

Being a part of the outside world has taken its toll upon me in the form of rhinovirus, or something of a similar nature. Yes, I am sick today. I woke up at 8 and then slept for two hours. I then came out to the couch in the living room and slept for another two hours. Matt gave me some Dimetapp, and I slept for another hour. Matt left the house and I took some acetaminophen which was followed by about an hour of me sleeping on the bathroom floor. I then woke up in quite a state of "highness". The combination of Dimetapp and acetaminophen is so intoxicating that it should be illegal. It's like a low level dose of some sort of opiate. I do like the way opiates make you feel, but I could never become an addict for a few reasons.

•Opiates are quite often injected and they burn when they go in. I would have to take some other drug to numb myself before shooting up, and that just sounds way too complicated.

•Opiate hangovers include vomiting. I am no longer good at vomiting.

•Opiates, especially morphine, cause me to put the breaks on my bladder. I don't like being in the position where getting a catheter is a joyous occasion.

•Opiates are expensive. I am poor.

•I can get high off of the combination stated in the first paragraph.

I'm about to go load up again and hit the hay. There is quite a large amount of pressure upon my ears. I have a feeling that various orifices will start leaking tomorrow. Ironically, or not, winter is my favorite season. I love traditional Christmas music. I think I’ll switch to the Traditional instead of the Contemporary service at church, at least until the end of the year. Anyway… I’m on Drugs!!!

Thursday, December 05, 2002

I the last blog the character "Ä" was supposed to be a Delta. Instead it is an "A" with an umblau, or however that's spelled.

So I'm looking for a recliner to purchase. Well, I won't purchase it, but my grandparents want to buy my dad a recliner for when he comes home. Turns out recliners are really expensive. I found some relatively cheap ones (thats an odd word, "oneSSSSS") at Walmart, but if anyone knows of somewhere else to check, e-mail or IM me.

In another hand, frying stuff makes it taste really good. The greatest inprovements in taste, or ÄT, would probably be in fish. Most fish is just par to sub-par, but fried fish is quite another story, like going from from Deep Impact to The Shawshank Redemption, or Mission Imposible 2 to Mission Impossible. Anyway.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

So it turns out that my eyesight sucks now more than ever. I had an eye exam on Sunday at Sears and used my fantastic employee discount. Turns out that when I have my glasses on my left eye is at 20/200. I am so blind. My astigmatism is also getting worse. If I got glasses now they would be even larger and heavier than the ones I have now. I'm gonna spare my nose and ears the wear and tear and just get new contacts. The glaucoma test still sucks. For those of you who haven't experienced it, it is esentially a machine that blows directly into your eye. There is no way to avoid it or keep yourself from flinching. So I guess it doesn't suck... it blows! I crack myself up sometimes. That was not one of them. There is also a new computer that automatically checks your vision while you sit there completely passive. It doesn't get it quite perfect, but I still think it's cool.

I'm listening to Audioslave right now. Good stuff. I had an hour to spare after my exam, so I went to Tower and bought that and the new Jurassic 5 album. All good stuff. The new Steve Earle album is also really good. My dad bought that one, a few weeks ago needless to say.

On Friday I played my first show as the drummer for TPHAT, The Panda Hamburger and the Vaughn's Garlic Salsatones Amalgamation Implosion Experience. I must say that we do rock quite hard. Possibly granite. Unfortunately our members are located in Camelot, Berkeley, and Davis, so there probably won't be many shows, but I'm am hoping for a little UC Davis Picnic Day action.

And working in a large mall department store on the day after Thanksgiving is not something I would recommend.

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