Monday, December 09, 2002

Being a part of the outside world has taken its toll upon me in the form of rhinovirus, or something of a similar nature. Yes, I am sick today. I woke up at 8 and then slept for two hours. I then came out to the couch in the living room and slept for another two hours. Matt gave me some Dimetapp, and I slept for another hour. Matt left the house and I took some acetaminophen which was followed by about an hour of me sleeping on the bathroom floor. I then woke up in quite a state of "highness". The combination of Dimetapp and acetaminophen is so intoxicating that it should be illegal. It's like a low level dose of some sort of opiate. I do like the way opiates make you feel, but I could never become an addict for a few reasons.

•Opiates are quite often injected and they burn when they go in. I would have to take some other drug to numb myself before shooting up, and that just sounds way too complicated.

•Opiate hangovers include vomiting. I am no longer good at vomiting.

•Opiates, especially morphine, cause me to put the breaks on my bladder. I don't like being in the position where getting a catheter is a joyous occasion.

•Opiates are expensive. I am poor.

•I can get high off of the combination stated in the first paragraph.

I'm about to go load up again and hit the hay. There is quite a large amount of pressure upon my ears. I have a feeling that various orifices will start leaking tomorrow. Ironically, or not, winter is my favorite season. I love traditional Christmas music. I think I’ll switch to the Traditional instead of the Contemporary service at church, at least until the end of the year. Anyway… I’m on Drugs!!!

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