Friday, July 09, 2004

I've been noticing a new trend in public defilation. (I know, probably not a word. I was trying to make "graffiti" sound all fancy, but I guess the word itself is fancy enough.) Anyway, I'm seeing alot of tagging on billboards. Big, elaborate tagging on billboards for movies and junk. I'm reminded of the monks that make sand paintings, only to wipe them away once they fininsh seeing as how they recognize the beauty in creation and change and whatnot. But really, what I am remininded most of is how stupid these taggers are. Seriously dudes, 2 weeks, maybe a month, and your beautiful work will be painted over. Wake up ya'll.

(To all the graffiti artists I've offended, i really don't care.)

Oh, I saw Rush on Tuesday. Hollywood Bowl. Awesome. It was amazing how similar the show was to when I saw Spinal Tap at the Greek. Another weird thing was seeing the quite rare young, attractive girl and just wondering what the heck are they doing at a Rush concert?

Up at the shopping center at Balboa and Mission there is a "God Bless America" banner up. On one side the "B" has blown away, leaving "God less America". What astounding social commentary.

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