Friday, May 21, 2004

So I got up here to Berkeley yesterday, and boy are my arms tired. I learned that one at comedy traffic school, and the only people to get that inside joke probably won't read this. Anyway.

I'm up at Berkeley and am hungry. Tim suggests we go get some sandwiches since he can get them for free. So we go to the sandwiches place and fill out our little spec sheets that determine the qualities of our sandwiches. At the bottom you write your name. Seeing as how I was writing with one of those two inch long pencil stubs that are all the rage in boardgames and unimportant form filling in... what... that sentence sucks... anyway, my writing wasn't looking too good. I had some serious three years old scrawl goin' on. Seeing that it looked so immature, I just took it all the way and wrote my name as:


I think case differentiation is what separates children from adults. So I give them the form and they start to make the sandwich. They call Tim's name, and he gets his. I must be next. I go and stand in front of the counter while they finish making my sandwich. Alas, after taking longer than I thought they would, they finish. At this point I'm looking right at the sandwich artist, they look down at my spec sheet, and sound aloud:

On Dray Double You!!!

I just look at them, with a huge smile spreading it's way across my face, grab my sandwich, and leave without saying a word. I then proceed to laugh my butt off outside. I guess me and sandwiches equals comedy.

(Why does my Langer's frozen apple juice concentrate say "100% Juice" on it? Shouldn't it be like 400% or something? Anyway....)

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