Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Bobby Flack's blog, February 26th:

Weblogs are a beautiful thing. It is bringing back the idea of storytelling on a written level. Albeit, there is a lot of " so i went to da mall todai and omg, darren wuz 22222222 hot!!" but bypass all that and you find the gold in the bottom of the pans. Like struggling through all the pr0n to get to da warez!

Just imagining that being said in Bobby's voice cracks me up.

I was supposed to write a "research" paper for my English class. Turns out I'm such a "good" writer, according to the instructor, that I should enter some writing contest at Valley. Seeing as how the entries are due in less than a month, he has allowed me, and the few other people he informed about the contest, to write something for the contest instead of a research paper. What's better is that we can just revise something we have already written. Seriously, eventually someone is going to have to stop giving me incentive to slack off else I will never be productive.

FedEx returned today, with my fixed box. Awesome. They also sent me my member card yesterday, by FedEx. I wonder if regular USPS mail can even reach their offices.

Oh, and this may go without saying, but usually when David and I are talking about covering things in pancakes, we aren't being serious. That is unless one of us has an octopus on his face. Then you can be sure of the sooth in or speech.

Mouth Moose

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