Friday, March 26, 2004

We were assigned to do a comparison contrast essay in my English class on Tuesday. Trying to help us along, the instructor asks the class if anyone has an idea of what they are going to right about. So time goes by and no one answers. Then someone finally decides to speak up.

"Maybe technology... versus... you know... anti-technology?"

And anyone who wants to help me out on my quest to be an awesome recording engineer is welcome to buy me one of these.

The other day I was biking around the 'worth, Chatsworth that is. I had no shirt on, part of my quest for evenly hued skin. Anyway, there was one kid in the 3 or 4 year old range that saw me. She proceed to exclaim to her mother, "Ewwww, that boy has no shirt on!" Later, a boy of the same age but different location, and gender, called out, "Mommy, mommy! There is a naked guy on a bike!" Stupid kids. Stupid sooth speaking kids.

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