Sunday, March 14, 2004

Today at Sears a woman came up to me to return some curtain rods. She also had a cart full of new rods that she wanted to purchase. Upon my asking the woman if there was anything wrong with the ones she wanted to return, she said that they were the wrong size. The ones being returned were shorter than the ones in the cart about to be bought. She returned them and bought the other ones. End of story.


A(.J./ndrew), that wasn't funny.

Hold on a second. Let's look at that through the my magic "Lets make that story un-PC" lens.

Did I mention that the woman was Asian? Thus, when she said,"They are the wrong size," it actually came out sounding like,

"They are the long size."

Thus the short rods were the "long" rods. Awesome.

Anyway, here are a few new phrases for Ya'll

"Too little, too much." (Thank you Peter, and your robot brain.)
"Mouth moose!" (Say this while making "antlers" with your hands that come out of your mouth.)
"HM" (Now it also means High Maintenance, Highly Motivated, and Handshake Mates.)
Zeke, shut the crap up! (I don't think that one needs an explanation.)

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