Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Last Saturday I worked out at the Spectrum. Afterwards I went to BJ's to have a late dinner with Matt and Jeni. As I walked in I was about to enter a hypoglycemic coma from my depleted blood sugar levels. After consuming a salad and a bowl fetucinni alfredo I was feeling quite better. Seriously people, the high you get from the endorphin release from exercising and the seratonin kick from a bowl of pasta is quite a good thing. Screw Atkins! A beer would have made this even better, but I was driving myself home. Let's here it for being responsible.

IMRDN: I've been eating a lot of fruit lately. Well, eating isn't quite the right word for it. I've been throwing a bunch of fruit in the blender for breakfast. It comes out to about 7 servings of fruit. I'm not one who really likes fruit enough or is patient enough to actually eat all this. Thus the blender. Sure, this will make me healthier, but the biggest improvement so far has been in the gas department. I have an incredible amount of stamina now. I was walking around the Valencia mall the other day and was poppin' one out like every thirty seconds. Quite fun. And that is a crazy mall. It has an Arby's! Freakin' awesome!

I thought I might have something actually interesting to say, but I'm really tired. I'ma off ta hit the hay. I guess the spirit of the lazy union worker has overtaken me on this glorious Caesar Chavez Day. Sleep... now!

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