Wednesday, February 18, 2004

You know what would be great? If someone did a "personality quiz" and then posted it on their blog!!! Then everyone else could do the same quiz and post it on their blogs!!! Then there would be absolutely nothing of interest on anyone's blogs!!! That would be so awesome!!! I much prefer looking at a picture of something I don't care about and reading a little blurb that is not interesting to actually hearing what someone has to say!!! How 'bout this for a personality test?

What original thought are you?

In other news...

is freakin' awesome.

3 chicken strips, biscuit, and a side for $2.70 after tax. They also have stuffed jalepenos for a mere quarter a piece. Unfortunately when I tried to order them they were out. How they ran out I do not know. No one is ever in there except for me and Bobby. Anyway, the point of my story is that Tim is convicned that the correct way to spell the name of the bird is chiken. Way to go, bird boy.

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