Sunday, February 15, 2004

I Got Seared!

Sears has credit cards. They are not good credit cards. The APR is high, they are hard to get, and they go absolutely apecrap over the slightest infraction. My Aunt and Uncle, who are/were realitors never paid any attention to negative comments related to sears cards on the credit reports of potential home buyers. They are nuts. My job is to get people to apply for them. I am awful at this. Most people don't want them, don't need them, and can't get them. When I do get someone applying it is usually because they come in with the intetion of getting a card, or they don't speak English very well and they somehow get a card by the end of the transaction. My managers get on my back all the time about how low my APO(Applications Per Opportunity) is. I usually just kind of grunt my way through the conversations and then go back to my business. Yesterday Andy, the 2nd in command of the store, got on my case about my poor performance. I am so glad he did. I stayed an extra 15 minutes after work watching him try to teach me to "push" the cards more. In essence I should do everything in my power to make sure everyone gets a card, even if they don't really want one. At one point he recomended that I wear my glasses so that I can smoothly take them off when I ask people if they want to apply. I let it known that I didn't think much of the cards and couldn't get behind them. He then went on a ten minute lecture on what he learned in business school and how Japan became one of the strongest nations in the world after WWII. I almost just started laughing in his face quite a few times, but alas I held back. Good times. I think what might make my run ins with Andy a bit easier is the fact that he is shorter than me and is going bald at an early age. He also likes to talk about how much he works out and about how tough all the guys at work are. HM. Anyway, he is a funny guy, in a scary, impish sort of way. Viva coporate America!!!

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