Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Alright. Blog war. Just gonna throw in a little of my opinion and not try to get on either the (off/de)fensive. I hold that some lifeforms have more worth than others. As you might suspect, people are at the top of this hierarchy. I believe in animal testing. It is one thing that some animals are good for. Some are good for companionship, some for food, some for safety, some for industry, some for ecological balance, etc. If a pig has a similar heart to ours, thank God for the pig. If we can find a way to save a person by subjecting an animal to pain, go ahead. I believe it more sadistic to ignore the pain of a person than to try to abate that pain by experimenting on an animal. I have felt pain over the loss of a loved pet, and it hurt more than anything I knew at the time. But I have also felt the pain of a lost loved parent, twice, and that pain exponentially exceeds the first. For this reason I can't believe that wanting to place a moratorium on animal testing will ever be ethical. I understand why someone would think that, but I cannot agree with it. (If you're lost see these blogs: Mea, Geetha, Marie, Tim, David)

On to a lighter war.

So there has been alot of discussion as to wether Keira Knightley is hot or not. My personal opinion: Yes, quite so. Quite a few of you though, mainly girls, seem to think not. You're totally allowed that opinion. But why would you want to convince other people of that? Shouldn't you be applauding guys that find "average" girls to be quite "above average"? Would you rather our warped American ideals of beauty become even more narrow? And just because there is something odd about someones appearance (which I don't see at all), does that mean you should harp on it and exclude this person from attractiveness? I hope not. I have buck teeth, one of which is chipped. I have very large ears. My nose is mishaped (the left side is more bulbous than the right giving my nostrils a less than symetric orientation). Am I unattractive? Some may say yes. Others, believe it or not, give a resounding No! (Yes, I've been called hot before, by someone other than me.) I've lost my train of thought. (Possibly distracted by my reflection in the monitor.) Anyway, please, just let us apprieciate what we will.

(Specifically, I like white girls. I like that hair color that is not quite brown and not quite blonde but lies somewhere in between. I like girls that are about the same height as me. I am also more a fan of the "athletic" build rather than the "curvy" build. And English accents can be very good. Some southern ones too. Also, girls seem to become more physically atractive to me when they have an attractive personallity. Not like I forgive ceratin "imperfetions" because I like someone as a person, but I actually seem to not notice them and find them more physically attractive. Keira Knightley meets alot of these descriptions. Her look also kinda reminds me of my friend Kayla who is a great person. One would never confuse the two, though Kayla is also very attractive. Enough of this.)

No more wars left, just a thank-you.

Thank you Zeke!!!

Zeke left this in a comment on my last post. "Truly, your outlook has struck a fine balance between healthy cynicism and intelligent spirituality. You've inspired me, for one." This is the best compliment I have recieved in recent memory. Sometimes I look at my life and get really depressed. Sometimes I look at this depression and think Hey, this isn't so bad. What would be bad is if you didn't feel this way when things are like this. If things are truly depressing, it is healthy to get that way. And this is the only time that I remember that one of my atheit/agnostic friends has found my spirituality intelligent, or a good thing at all without pandering to me about some sort of "opiate for the masses". Anyway, thank you Zeke, even if that isn't your real name. I know you think highly of me. After all, I've seen you drunk many times.

(P.S.: While still kind of on the subject of things British and people that like to get drunk, the next The Streets album is scheduled for a May release. Awesome. One of the tracks was originally recorded with Chris Martin of Coldplay (?!?!?!?), but he has been taken off the track because of Martin's record label. Or should I say lampel? No, no I shouldn't.)

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