Thursday, January 29, 2004

So, long time with no real actual legit and stuff post. (Poast, if you will, as all the nubs seem to be calling it lately.) So, what's been goin' on?


I worked. Had an actual crazy person at work. They were convinced that the date was February 1st, that I was dislexic, one of the security guys was talking to the Gestapo with his beeper (and he had no beeper), and various other nonsence. I managed to keep a straight face most of the time except when she said to the security guy, "I haven't done anything to your prostate yet." Hilarious! She also stole stuff. Anyway. Later that night I had what is so far the closest I've ever gotten to an actual date, but alas, it was not. I went to In 'n' Out with Anna. Had a good time just talking, which I imagine an actual date with me would be like seeing as how I'm not into that whole sex outside of marraige thing, so I don't feel the need to be all up ons. According to Marie, Tim felt up her leg on their first date, a bad move on Tim's part. Anyway, I had her actually crying with laughter by the end which I must say is quite a good feeling. Nothing like a good ego massage.


Tuesday started right as Monday ended seeing as how I had no sleep between the two. Bobby and I head over to the Pantry for some 4 am breakfast with Geetha and various Techers. I got a free extra pancake and actually convinced them to give me water this time. At the end of the meal there were two bottles of ketchup and yet three caps. I made some stupid comment about someone busting it, the cap that is. Somehow this managed to crack everyone up, but none more than me. Then headed to the LAX for my 7 am flight to Spokane. Actually to Pheonix and then Spokane. The flight(s) was(were) not enjoyable. In Spokane that day I ate nachos twice. The Taco Bell up here carries "Mexi Nuggets", hashbrowny nugget things with "Mexican" seasoning. I have not yet partaken. I also bought some thermal pants. They only had one pair of "Smalls". I bought them.


Went to Shari's for breakfast. It is kinda like Denny's. You are not allowed to play cards there and each person eating is supposed to have at least a five dollar check. At lunch I had fried Oreos. These things are so amazing. Take an Oreo, batter it, deep fry it, serve it with whipped cream and chocolate sauce for dipping. I made the mistake of eating two. My brother and I then fell asleep for like three hours. Had pizza for dinner. Oh yeah, and my brother and Jeni got engaged that morning. Yup. I guess I have to think up some hilarious best man material now. I wonder if there is a way to work in some fake vomit and a field goal kicking mule. Anyway, once the whole proposal thing took place I realized that I would get very little attention that day. Luckily I had the fried Oreos to take care of me. That restauraunt also has fried Twix which are supposed to be even better.


Today is Thursday. Nothing has happened yet. Who knows what incredible culinary delites I will partake in today.

Aiight. Jeni is out of the shower and I think something is going to happened now. Au revoir.

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