Tuesday, January 06, 2004

The PHAT jammed yesterday. We played one of our newer songs, Northridge Incident (or the Nimble Vagrant). It recounts the various times I have been attacked in Northridge. For those who don't know...

A.J.'s Amazing Altercations in Northridge

One time while riding home from Sears, while I stilled lived in Northridge, I noticed this car just sitting with it's engine on. Not that unusual except that it was in front of that gated community on Wilbur where no one ever stops. I pass it, on my bike. When I am about half a block away I hear the car peel out. As they come up to me I hear yelling and the a barrage of water balloons is let loose. A few hit me. They came around and did it once more, but they all missed the second time. I was also hit in the head with a rock or something while riding up at the top of Reseda. I had a helmet, so I was fine.

B. Snakes picked me up from my old house and we start heading out to Peter's in Tujunga. While getting on the 118 Bobby cut off two guys on Harleys, or at least they got that impression. They started chasing us on the freeway. One guy came up right next to Bobby's door so he kept pushing his car up to about 100 mph. Then, while still going 100 mph, the guy decides to punch the car. What the crap?! I have no idea what he was trying to accomplish with this. Anyway, Bobby darts off at Balboa and all was fine.

I think it was 11th grade, I was walking home from Granada Hills High School, Granasty if you will, when I decided to get some food. I stopped at the King of Burgers for some cheap eats. I continued my walk on Lindley behind the shopping center. When I got up to where the UA Theatre used to be I saw this obviously homeless guy start walking towards me. He had a strange gait and appeared as if he wasn't all there. he was holding a big radio too. As he got closer it seemed like he was going to say something to me. He got faster and faster as he came towards me so for some reason I hold out the bag full of burgers and say, in what must have been a pretty pathetic voice, "Hey, you want some food?" He then pulled his arm back as far it could go and with all his momentum gave me a knuckle punch right in the stomach. Immediately I turn around and start running while turning my head to see him coming after me. This is so bizarre I think to myself. Why did he punch me, and in such a weak way. So after about half a block I saw that his gait kinda precluded him from actually running, so I just slowed down to a walk. I called the cops later. They didn't seem to care. And I got to eat all my burgers.

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