Friday, June 27, 2003

There is a new TPHAT song called "Cleanin' Out". During the chorus Brad simply sings the titular title words what have you. I'm planin' on singin' back-up for it. So Brad had a bit of a Canadian thing goin' on the word "out". You know, it has that sound that is kinda half way between the "ew" and "oo" sound. Me being the idiot that I am, I find this to be the most entertaining thing ever. I start to practice my vocals and end up incorporating this dialect into my speech. Awesome.

So I'm at work, trying to be normal. Then some customers call their kid who must be only 4 years old to come back over to them. The kid turns around and runs right into a rack of clothes. I immediately take action. "Watch ewoot!" I sound, completely unaware of my disregard for the local vernacular. I notice and realize what an idiot I must sound like. Then I realize that nobody pays attention to such inconsequential things and for me to care proves how much of a dork I actually am.

Anyway, the sooner I move to Canada the better. As my brother said about Canadians, "They're just Mexicans in sweaters." I think we can all find comfort in that.

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