Saturday, June 14, 2003

I had a weird dream the other night. For some reason Leia’s mouth had to be larger. Leia is the dog that lives on the stairs in the Woo-Lee house. So her mouth had to be larger. We ended up deciding to cut the edges. For some reason we also cut in the vertical direction across the nose and chin area, except I don’t really remember the nose or chin actually being there. This also did not seem to hurt Leia at all. When we, and by “we” I mean me and other people of identities unknown or forgotten, had finished the mouth widening we realized that we had cut too far and had opened up Leia’s scull. Her brain then proceeded to roll out. This was quite easy for it to do seeing as how her brain was a roll of toilet paper. The flap of skin on her head then just fell in on itself and she simply appeared to a dog with a dip where her forehead should be. And now here comes the happy ending. She no longer barked at me for no reason and she let me pet her. I do not remember what happened to the roll of toilet paper.

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