Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Here is a link to a nice little filmstrip of the Magic Foofie Box. Brad and Carlos came up with the idea. Michelle, Carlos’ girlfriend and Cal student, made the strip. She is a Bio major, but not MCB, so she is only half crazy. Apparently she is also taking German, as am I. The strip is in German. “Hausaufgaben” means “homework”. As mentioned before German nouns are capitalized.

Mike has taken a stab at those of us who enjoy lowbrow humor, specifically “Jackass”. I saw almost every episode of said show back to back in Davis while I was waiting for my ride down for Spring Break last year. As I was watching I realized that not only did I find it insanely and moronically funny, but I had a strange sense of respect for those acting stupid and moronically. I mean, in a nation where most people are killing themselves with food, television, and automobiles, we chose to pick on the small segment of society that does “stupid” things and remain blind to the real problems at hand. “Wedgie Bungee Jumping” may seem like a pointless and idiotic thing, but what about eating excessive amounts of meat and talking a on a cell phone every waking hour? The only real difference I can see is that when you do the “idiotic” thing you are more likely to suffer short lasting acute injuries, but build fun memories and entertain yourself and others. The “normal” things in our society just seem to make our lives worse and separate us from the rest of society. Are you more likely to treat a fat person or someone with a broken arm worse? Whatever. I’ve lost my train of thought. Anyway, next time you judge something as idiotic and disgusting just stop a second to take a look at your own actions, you might find that a little “Rocket Skate” action might do you some good.

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