Monday, October 21, 2002

Tim and I usually go to Woo's house on Monday and Wednesday and drop bones, playing Dr. Mario for those of you out of the loop, during our "lunch" break.Dropping bones actually refers to the Playstation version of Tetris where for some odd reason there is an archeologist climbing up a your pieces and such. Very convoluted. But anyway, today we did not drop bones. We watched "RIKI-OH: The Story of Ricky". Yes, the name is spelled two different ways in the title, and in the movie his last name is actually "Ho". That is the least bizzare thing about the film. It is was made by some of Asian brothers and takes place in a privatized jail in 2001, the future when the film came out. Lots of carnage, exploding fat guys, smashed skulls, guys eviserating themselves and then trying strangle their opponent with their own bowels. Very odd movie. You may have seen part of it before if you used to watch the "Daily Show" back when Kilborn was on. The guys head getting smashed when they did 5 Questions is from the film. I personally think Kilborn does the best interview of all the late night guys. Anyway, very odd movie. I also was reminded that I'm pretty much a wuss when it comes to all that gore stuff. I can handle all the stuff that comes out of me, but watching some guy punch another guy's fist to splinters makes me a bit woozy. Yup. I should stop thinking about this. I'm gonna go practice the piano, or Klavier, as the Germans call it. They capitalize all their nouns. Viva la Deutschland!!!

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