Saturday, October 26, 2002

Idiocy often stems from lack of sleep. Last night was a case in point. I hung with Woo till about 4 in the morning. He was working on his Halloween costume, Dr. Wiley from the Mega Man games, and I suppose I was along for moral support or something. Glen also came over for a while. In an attempt to stave off boredom, I started to play the keyboard. In my experimentation I learned that by plugging the keyboard into my Ibanez Super Metal distortion pedal you can get a totally awesome sound. You can then have the keyboard play a 1-5-4 progression over the “Rock Beat” preset, and the result is “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World. I’m sure this will be very useful in the future. Attempts were also made to install and play SimCity 2000 on Woo’s computer. Probably for the good of all, this endeavor was not successful. But I did have a great name picked out. SimAntics. Yup. Idiocy. We also realized that my name follows my stupid “an” theory. A little background is due. My theory is that smart people know how to use the word “an” and often do. Stupid people on the other hand do not properly use it, or use it at all. Thus, the use of the word “an” equates to intelligence. Stupid people know this, but they do not know the rules for correct usage. Thus, intelligent people should use the word “an” as much as possible, even when grammatically incorrect, to display their linguistic adeptitude. An robot. An cow. An brilliant idea. An-drew, not A-drew. Yup. I should sleep more.

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