Sunday, October 20, 2002

I had an job interview at Sears yesterday. All I gotta do now is provide them with a sample of my urine and then they will allow me to work as a cashier in some sort of enclosed booth. Hooray for seasonal employment!!! I thought I was going to have to provide a sample yesterday, which would have been a problem since I got to Sears early and decided to use the lavatory. I was tapped out after that. While I was in the bathroom, two different people tried to use the stall that I was in. You'd think that once you tried the door and it didn't open you would just give up and move on to the next stall, but these guys kept trying to open the door for like 10 seconds. Yup. Stupid mall. On a completely unrelated note, I highly recommend watching the "Intimate Look at the Acting Process with Ice Cube" feature on the Three Kings DVD. Superb.

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